Our Employment Programs
We offer various programs for job-seekers in St. Louis City, St. Louis County, and Illinois.

Youth Services and Programs
WIOA is a program for St. Louis City and County youth ages 16-24. This program provides employment, training, and education opportunities.
The Dutchtown Opportunity Coalition for Youth serves at-risk young people ages 10–17 in the Dutchtown, Gravois Park, Marine Villa, and Mount Pleasant neighborhoods.
Wraparound Services
We recognize that, in order to maintain employment, clients may need additional supportive services. That is why we also offer housing and mental health services to qualifying participants in our programs.
Referral Only Services
In partnership with the St. Louis City and St. Louis County continuum of care, we provide additional housing services. These services are by referral only through 2-1-1 or local shelters.
Our programs are funded in part by

Some activities are financed in part through an allocation of St. Louis Continuum of Care funds from the Department of Human Services, Homeless Division as well as an allocation of Community Development Block Grant funds from the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the City of St. Louis' Community Development Administration.